Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry believes that all infants, children, adolescents and individual with special health care needs (SHCN) are entitled to oral health care that meets the treatment and ethical standards. Early detection and management of oral conditions can improve a child’s oral health, general health and wellbeing, school readiness and self- esteem. Un-cooperative patients are treated with one of its kind with conscious sedation kit.
Dr P. Krishnam Raju | Professor & HOD | 18 Years |
Dr. B. Kondala Rao | Reader | 7 Years |
Dr. Srinandan Pradhan | Reader | 5Years |
Dr. Baratam Radha | Sr. Lecturer | 3Years |
Dr. Shruti Shampa | Sr. Lecturer | 3Years |
Dr. K. Sravanthi | Sr. Lecturer | 1Year |
Services Provided
- Rct
- Pulpectomy
- Nitrous oxide sedation /Appointment
- Splinting
- Nasoalveolar moulding
- Expansion appliance
- Post and core
- Habit breaking appliance
- Scaling
- Extraction
- Pit & fissure sealants
- Fluoride application
- Pulpotomy
- Pulp capping
- Space maintainer
- Glass ionomer restoration
- Composite restoration
- Revascularisation
- Apexogenesis
- Calcium hydroxide apexification
- Mta Apexification
- Zirconia crown
- PFM Crown
- Strip Crown
- Stainless steel crown
Dr. P. Krishnam Raju
- Effect of Antiasthmatic medication on Dental Disease:Dental Caries and periodontal Disease. Journal of Indian society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry.2007 April-June ;25(2):65-8
- Comparison Of Oral Hygiene Status in Children using Tooth Brush and Paste v/s Twigs in Srikakakulam –An Epidemiological Study. Journal of Oral Archives.2010 June-Dec ;1:1-2
- Comparative Analysis Of Colony Counts of Different Species In Saliva of Dentulous,Edentulous and those Wearing Partial and Complete Dentures. Journal of Contempporary Dental Practice. 2013 July-Aug ;14(4):601-604
- Fibre Technology in Space Maintainer:A Clinical Follow-Up Study. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 2013 Nov-Dec;14(6):00
- Prevalence of Gingival Enlargement in Karnataka School Going Children. Journal of International Oral Health.2014;6(1):106-110
- Oral Hygiene Levels in Children of Tribal Population of Eastern Ghats:An Epidemiological Study. Journal of International Oral Health.2015;7(7):108-110
Dr. Kondala Rao
- An assessment system for the consequences of untreated dental caries Indian journal of oral health and research .2015;1(2):62-65
- Comparative evaluation of biodentine, 2% chlorhexdine with RMGIC and calcium hydroxide as indirect pulp capping materials in primary molars : an invivo study. Journal of Indian society of pedodontics and preventive dentistry.2019;37(1):60-66
Dr. Srinandan Pradan
- An in-vitro evaluation of root canal instrumentation with ProTaper-Next Rotary files, K-files with Nd:YAG Laser and ProTaper-Next Rotary files with Nd:YAG Laser on the removal of smear layer from root canals using Scanning electron microscopic analysis. Neuroquantology 2022 Sep;20(11):3986-4002.
- Psychosocial impact of novel COVID-19 on dental professionals–Current analysis and scoping review. The Saint's International Dental Journal. 2020 Jul 1;4(2):88-92.
- A Digital Orthopantomograph Study for Age Estimation by Measuring Open Apices of Permanent Teeth among 6-10 Years Old in Rohilkhand Region. J Contemp Orthod 2021;5(2):13-17.
- Comparative Evaluation of Fluoride Release from Glass Ionomer, Compomer, and Giomer Sealants Following Exposure to Fluoride Toothpaste and Fluoride Varnish: An In Vitro Study. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2022 Nov;15(6):736-738.
- Comparative Evaluation of Apical Transportation of three Rotary File Systems Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: An In Vitro Study. IDA Lud J –le Dent 2021;5(2):8-15.
- Knowledge, attitude and practical behaviour of mothers, regarding their child’s oral health in Kota region. Age. 2020;30(204):115-121.
- Alteration in taste perception among young children during the use of removable orthodontic appliance therapy. International Journal of Current Research 2017;9 (05):50750-50754.