
Periodontology is a speciality of Dentistry that deals with gums and bone. It deals with the prevention and spread of periodontal disease that includes Gingivitis and Periodontitis. The various treatment modalities carried out in the department are flap and mucogingival surgeries, regenerative procedures, depigmentation’s, frenectomy and placement of dental implants. Latest equipments like soft tissue laser is available for treatment in the department. We are offering post graduate degree course with three seats.
Dr. K. Anil Kumar | Prof & HOD | 17 Years |
Dr. N. Anwesh Reddy | Reader | 9 Years |
Dr. Mohammad Sheema Tasneem | Reader | 6 Years |
Dr. K. Sowjanya | Reader | 5 Years |
Dr. P. Charishma Chowdary | Sr. Lecturer | 3 Years |
Dr. P. Rekha | Sr. Lecturer | 2 Years |
Dr. Swatantrata Dey | Sr. Lecturer | 2 Years |
Services Provided
- Hand and Ultrasonic scaling
- Root planning
- Local drug delivery (LDD)
- Host modulation Therapy
- Laser
- Photodynamic therapy
- Photo biomodulation with Laser
- Splinting
- Abscess drainage
- Operculectomy
- Frenectomy
- Gingival depigmentation
- Socket preservations
- Gingivectomy
- Crown lengthening
- Flap surgeries
- Guided tissue regeneration
- Guided bone regeneration
- Mucogingival surgery
- Regenerative and Resective osseous surgery
- Ridge augmentation procedures
- Implant placement
- Implant defect reconstruction with autologous platelet concentrates and bone grafts
- Implant maintenance therapy
Thesis Title | Principal Investigators |
Comparison of electro surgery with DIODE lasers in the treatment of physiological melanin pigmentation: a split mouth study. | Dr. SheemaTasneem |
A comparative evaluation between hand, piezoelectric and magnetostrictive ultrasonic instrumentation on root surface characteristics: an in-vitro scanning electron microscopic study | Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi |
Estimation of periodontal health status of chronic kidney disease patients, in Uddanam, Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh. | Dr. Ranjit Kumar Yadav |
A comparative clinic-radiological evaluation to assess the efficacy of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and platelet poor plasma (PPP) in combination with demineralized freeze dried bone allograft (DFDBA) in the treatment of periodontal intra bony defects. | Dr. Sowjanya Katipaka |
Management of isolated gingival recession defects by cosmetic periodontal procedures- a comparative clinical study. | Dr. BillaSowjanya |
Clinical effects of photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment in chronic periodontitis. | Dr. Poluparthy Vishwa Teja |
Evaluation of effect of cariosolvtm, EDTA-S, EDTA on periodontally diseased root surfaces- an in-vitro scanning electron microscopic study. | Dr. Shruthi Akilandan |
A comparative clinico-radiographic evaluation to assess the efficacy of equine bone graft (BGP-PUTTY) in combination with or without platelet rich fibrin (PRP) in the treatment of periodontal intra bony defects: a split mouth design. | Dr. Renuka Chenjeri |
Comparative evaluation of local drug delivery agents ARESTINE (minocycline miocrospheres) and PERIOCHIP (chlorohexidinegluconate) as in adjunct to scaling and root planning in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. | Dr. Shareen Babu P |
Comparative efficacy of nano-biofusion gel and tetracycline fibers as a adjunct to scaling and root planning-a clinical study. | Dr. Divya Madhuri Reddy |
Comparision of serum albumin levels and other biochemical parameters in clinically healthy subjects and chronic periodontitis patients- a cross sectional study | Dr. Rekha Paidi |
A comparison of diode laser and scalpel techniques in the treatment of labial frenectomy. | Dr. Yerni Sai Bharathi Gudivada |
Comparison of bovine derived xenograft (bio-Oss) and freeze dried bone allograft in combination with collagen plug for socket preservation: a split mouth study | Dr. Aneesha George |
The efficacy of diode laser as an adjunct to mechanical debridement in conventional flap surgery in periodontitis patients: a clinical microbiological study. | Dr. Mandadi Sree Sai Jeevana |
Comparative evaluation of T-PRF and DFDBA in the treatment of intra bony defects: a clinic-radiographic study. | Dr. P Samuel |
Scanning electron microscopy study to evaluate and compare fibrin clot adhesion over the root surface treated with tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline. | Dr. SwatantrataDey |
Comparative evaluation of diode laser alone and in combination with desensitizing toothpaste in occlusion of dentinal tubules – A SEM study. | Dr. Hemalatha Doppalapudi |
Assessment Of Periodontal Status In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – An Epidemiological Study | Dr. Anjaneya Mahapatra |
Clinical efficacy of diode laser and photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planning in the treatment of periodontitis: A randomized clinical trial. | Dr. Prathipaty Rini |
Evaluation of re-pigmentation by using cryosurgery and diode laser: A clinical comparative split-mouth study. | Dr. Tabassum Adeni |
Comparative Study Of DFDBA And In Combination With Platelet Rich Fibrin In The Treatment Of Intrabony Defects: A Split Mouth Study | Dr. Naga Sai Sowparnica Naidu |
Dr. K. Anil Kumar
- Comparative evaluation of diode laser alone and in combination withdesensitizing toothpaste in occlusion of dentinal tubules - A SEM study
- Clinical efficacy of diode laser and photodynamic therapy as anadjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of periodontitis:A randomized clinical trial.
- Tissue Engineering Revisited With Recombinant Proteins
- Pink Aesthetics with Diode laser VsElectrosurgery: A Split Mouth Clinical Study
- Evaluating the Predictability and Regenerative Capacity of Novel PlateletConcentrate (PC)-Titanium Platelet Rich Fibrin (T-PRF) in the field of Dentistry- ANarrative Review
- Scanning electron microscopy study to evaluate and compare fibrin clot adhesionover the root surface treated with tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline
- Evaluation of re-pigmentation by using cryosurgery and diodelaser: A clinical comparative split-mouth study
- Evaluation of Pain on Probing usingAnaesthetic Gel in Chronic PeriodontitisPatients with True Pressure SensitiveProbe: A Placebo Controlled Trial
- Evaluation of Effect of Carisolv, EDTA-Sand EDTA on Periodontally DiseasedRoot Surfaces: An In-vitro ScanningElectron Microscopic Study
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of PreproceduralRinse and Ultrasonic Coolantusing ChlorhexidineGluconate and Povidoneiodinein Reducing Aerosol Contamination:A Randomised Clinical Trial
- Pre Prosthetic Crown Preparation with Apically Repositioned Flap –A Case Report
- Prevalance Of Oral Lesions In HIV Infected ChildrenFrom Andhra Pradesh, India
- Perspective of dental health-care professionals during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic: A national online survey
- Effectiveness of Pre Procedural Rinse with Chlorhexidine andPovidone-Iodine in Preventing Bio Aerosol Contamination duringUltrasonic Scaling – A Clinical and Microbilogical Study
- Comparative Study Of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft & In Combination With Platelet-Rich Fibrin In Treatment Of Intrbony Defects: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Dr. N. Anwesh Reddy
- Management of Crown Root Fracture by Multi-disciplinary Approach– A Case Report
- Lasers in Operative Dentistry–A Review
- Tissue Engineering in today’s dentistry: A Review
- Pre Prosthetic Crown Preparation with Apically Repositioned Flap – A Case Report
- Comparative Evaluation of Micronuclei in Reverse Smokers in Affected and Unaffected sites
- Evaluation of Pain on Probing using Anaesthetic Gel in Chronic Periodontitis Patients with True Pressure Sensitive Probe: A Placebo Controlled Trial
- Evaluation of Effect of Carisolv, EDTA-S and EDTA on Periodontally Diseased Root Surfaces: An In-vitro Scanning Electron Microscopic Study
- Effect of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy on Anemic Status In Chronic Periodontitis Patients: A Randomized Clinical Case Control Study.
- An Epidemiological Data of Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs in Pamulapadu Village of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India: An Original Research
- Comparing the efficacy and patient preference of knotted floss technique compared to conventional flossing with floss impregnated with 0.2% chlorhexidine.
- Assessment Of Periodontal Status In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: An Epidemiological Study
- Comparative Clinical Evaluation Of Bite Force In Healthy Periodontium And Chronic Periodontitis Patients Following Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- The Effect Of Three Desensitizing Agents On Dentin Hypersensitivity: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Role of occlusal wear on periodontal status- A Cross Sectional Study
- A clinical evaluation and correlation of bite force, periodontal status and asymptomatic temporomandibular joint changes using magnetic resonance imaging in stressed individuals - a cross sectional study
- Comparison of periodontal parameters, bite force, stress in periodontitis and healthy individuals: case control study
- Perspective of dental health-care professionals during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic: A national online survey
- Comparative evaluation of diode laser alone and in combination with desensitizing toothpaste in occlusion of dentinal tubules - A SEM study
- Clinical efficacy of diode laser and photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of periodontitis: A randomized clinical trial.
- Scanning electron microscopy study to evaluate and compare fibrin clot adhesion over the root surface treated with tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline
- Evaluation of re-pigmentation by using cryosurgery and diode laser: A clinical comparative split-mouth study
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Preprocedural Rinse and Ultrasonic Coolant using ChlorhexidineGluconate and Povidoneiodine in Reducing Aerosol Contamination: A Randomised Clinical Trial
- Comparative Study Of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft & In Combination With Platelet-Rich Fibrin In Treatment Of Intrbony Defects: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Dr. Mohammad Sheema Tanseem
- Effectiveness of Pre Procedural Rinse with Chlorhexidine and Povidone-Iodine in Preventing Bio Aerosol Contamination during Ultrasonic Scaling – A Clinical and Microbilogical Study
- Evaluation of Pain on Probing using Anaesthetic Gel in Chronic Periodontitis Patients with True Pressure Sensitive Probe: A Placebo Controlled
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Preprocedural Rinse and Ultrasonic Coolant using ChlorhexidineGluconate and Povidoneiodine in Reducing Aerosol Contamination: A Randomised Clinical Trial
- Preprosthetic Crown Preparation With Apically Repositioned Flap – A Case Report
- Determining The Gingival Biotype Based On Dentopapillary Compound
- A Clinical Evaluation And Correlation Of Bite Force, Periodontal Status And Asymptomatic Temporomandibular Joint Changes Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Stressed Individuals - A Cross Sectional Study
- Comparison Of Periodontal Parameters, Bite Force, Stress In Periodontitis And Healthy Individuals: Case Control Study
- Perspective of dental health-care professionals during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic: A national online survey
- Comparative evaluation of diode laser alone and in combination with desensitizing toothpaste in occlusion of dentinal tubules - A SEM study
- Clinical efficacy of diode laser and photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of periodontitis: A randomized clinical trial.
- Pink Aesthetics with Diode laser VsElectrosurgery: A Split Mouth Study.
- Scanning electron microscopy study to evaluate and compare fibrin clot adhesion over the root surface treated with tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline
- Evaluation of re-pigmentation by using cryosurgery and diode laser: A clinical comparative split-mouth study
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Preprocedural Rinse and Ultrasonic Coolant using ChlorhexidineGluconate and Povidoneiodine in Reducing Aerosol Contamination: A Randomised Clinical Trial
- Comparative Study Of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft & In Combination With Platelet-Rich Fibrin In Treatment Of Intrbony Defects: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Dr. K. Sowjanya
- Pink Aesthetics with Diode laser VsElectrosurgery: A Split Mouth Study.
Dr. Swatantra Dey
- A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study To Evaluate And Compare Fibrin Clot Adhesion Over Root Surface Treated With Tetracycline, Doxycyline And Minocycline
- Comparative Evaluation Of Diode Laser Alone And In Combination With Desensitizing Toothpaste In Occlusion Of Dentinal Tubules - A SEM Study
- Comparative Study Of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft & In Combination With Platelet-Rich Fibrin In Treatment Of Intrbony Defects: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Clinical Efficacy Of Diode Laser And Photodynamic Therapy As An Adjunct To Scaling And Root Planing In The Treatment Of Periodontitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Dr. P. Charishma Chowdary
- Periodontal awareness in medical students of Andhra Pradesh, India – A Survey
- A novel modified – VISTA technique with connective tissue graft in the treatment of gingival recession – A case report
- Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine: The real saviors of COVID 2019 ?
- Potential Impact of COVID -19 on Indian population, Confirmed, Deceased and recuperations from novel corona virus: A current evidenced based review
- Possible routs of transmission and precaution to be taken in dental practices from the most unwanted evil COVID – 19 – A review
- Knowledge and awareness on usage of mouth masks among dental fraternity during this pandemic COVID – 19 : A cross sectional study
- Knowledge and awareness on novel corona virus spread among dental fraternities in Visakhaptanam, India: A questionnaire-based survey