Orthodontics And Dentofacial Orthopedics

Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with development and growth of face and jaws. It also deals with the prevention and corrections of abnormalities of teeth and jaws. The aim of this specialty is to improve the overall appearance of face, jaws and teeth along with aesthetics, mastication and phonetics. The special competencies of the department include lingual orthodontics and orthognathic treatment modalities, and the newest technology of aligners. Institution has unique and latest technology like Invisalign, aligners along with scanner and 3D printer, which is not available in the nearby districts. We are offering post graduate degree course with three seats.
Dr. P. Navya | Professor and H.O.D | 12 Years |
Dr. M. Vizia | Professor | 11 Years |
Dr. K. Sai Sandeep | Reader | 7 Years |
Dr. T. Kishore | Reader | 6 Years |
Dr. R. Prachi | Reader | 5 Years |
Dr. T. B. L Prasanna | Sr. Lecturer | 2 Years |
Dr. Payal Jyoti Dash | Sr. Lecturer | 1 Year |
Dr. P. Priyanka | Sr. Lecturer | 10 Months |
Dr. K. Rahul | Sr. Lecturer | 6 Months |
Services Provided
- Conventional Fixed orthodontic therapy
- Esthetic Fixed Orthodontics
- Clear Aligner therapy
- Removable Orthodontic Therapy
- Growth Modification with Functional Jaw Orthopedics
- Growth Modification with Orthopaedic appliances
- Arch expansion
- Surgical Orthodontics
- Preventive Orthodontics
- Interceptive Orthodontic Procedures
- Cleft Lip and Palate therapy including Nasoalveolar Moulding
- Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint disorders
Thesis Title | Principal Investigator |
The influence of primer on the bond strengths. An in-vitro Study. | Dr. Kishore tutika |
Comparision of speed, repeatability and reproducability of four commonly used cephalometric analysis with manual tracing and computer assisted cephalometrics. | Dr. Madhurima Thokkala |
Comparison of the effect of three different cements on band strength & on enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic bands. An invitro study | Dr. Vijay Kumar Viswa |
Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets to enamel after application of a caries infiltrant | Dr. Prachi Vilekar |
Reliability &validity of measurements in digital study models and plaster models | Dr. Darsana Maru |
Prevalence of malocclusion in tribal and non tribal children in Srikakulam district | Dr. K. Rahul |
In vitro comparision of force decay between three force delivery methods. | Dr. K. Sudha Sravani |
Comparison of shear bond strength of metal brackets bonded to glazed zirconia by using different surface conditioning methods” – an in vitro study | Dr. G. Vamshi Krishna |
Evaulation of temperature rise in pulp chamber during proximal stripping | Dr. V. Santosh |
‘Remineralization efficacy of casein phosphopeptide-amorphous Calcium phosphate (cpp-acp), caries infiltrant and fluoride Varnish on stripped enamel surface’- f\n in vitro study | Dr. Sarath Kumar Chintala |
Debonding force and antibacterial activity of different lingual retainers bonded with conventional composite and nanoparticle containing composite” – an in vitro study | Dr. Kotta Mounica |
Evaluation of shear bond strength and antibacterial effects of orthodontic composites containing silver nanoparticles, TiO2 nanoparticles and fluoride – an in vitro study | Dr. T. Venkata Durga Mahendra |
Assessment of antibacterial properties of orthodontic brackets bonded with composite mixed with titanium dioxide nanoparticles-an in vivo study | Dr. Priyank. D |
Comparison of labial and labiopalatal corticotomy approaches for enmasse retraction using friction and frictionless mechanics –a FEM analysis | Dr. Ravali Tankala |
Comparison of stress in the apical region of the dental pulp during mandibular anterior intrusion by using TAD at different positions –an FEM study | Dr. Venkateswarlu Kantheti |
Comparision of antimicrobial effect of ozonated water, ozone gel, chlorhexidine and listerine mouth washes in orthodontic patients an in-vitro study | Dr. Ankitha.N |
A split mouth study for enmasse distalization of maxilla with infrazygomatic crest screw and zygoma plate in normal and vertical maxillary excess patients –a finite element analysis | Dr. Akshita Badatala |
Evaluation of the effects of number and position of miniscrews for total and relative intrusion of maxillary arch-a finite element method. | Dr. Sanku Swarupa sri |
Comparison of antimicrobial activity and mechanical properties of elastomeric ligatures coated with chlorhexidine hexametaphosphate with acetone and ethanol conditioning –a invitro study | Dr. Chukka Kavya |
A comparative spectrophotometric study of enamel color alteration after debonding of metallic and ceramic brackets when exposed to soft drink, tea, coffee and mouth wash –an in vitro study | Dr. Gali Udayadityeswari |
Determination of alveolar bone thickness and inclination of upper and lower incisors:an analogy of diverse untreated age groups using lateral cephalogram | Dr. Limasunep Jamir |
Comparison of corrosion resistance of self ligating and conventional brackets caused by chlorhexidine,ozonated water and fluoride containing mouthwashes | Dr. Diyyala Keerthi |
A Comparative evaluation of En-masse retraction of Anterior maxillary segment using infrazygomatic crest screws and mini-screws in combination with Corticotomy – A FEM study analysis | Dr. Pentapalli Prasanthi |
Effects of Carbonated drinks, alcohol drinks and mouthwashes with varying PH on mechanical properties and colour stability of various thermoplastic retainers, aligners and occlusal splints – An in-vitro study | Dr. Mahurkar Niharika |
Effects of Ionizing radiation on shear bond strength of ceramic and metal self ligating brackets bonded using different composite resins : An in-vitro study | Dr. Bandela Anand Babu |
Dr. P. Navya
- Time course of the passage of an ingested brass wire separator through the gastrointestinal tract.
- The use of catlan’s appliance for rapid correction of pseudo class III malocclusion
- The use of 0.018” special plus wire for fabricating Z-springs for correction of anterior cross bites.
- Comparison of effect of fluoride varnish, fluoride releasing composite, and casein phosphopeptide – amorphous calcium phosphate fluoride on demineralization around brackets: An in vitro study. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2014 Apr;48(2):105-10.
- Surgical procedures in orthodontics: expanding horizons.
- Absolute anchorage: A clinical reality – an in vitro study.
- Effects of repeated sterilization cycles on primary stability of orthodontic mini-plates. group. 2016;2(5.3000):17903.
- The size and the morpohology of sella turcica in different skeletal patterns of South Indians : A lateral cephalogrametric study. Int J Oral Health Med Res. 2016;3(1):13-6.
- Colour stability and fluorescence of different esthetic orthodontic archwires. Int J Oral Health Med Res. 2016;3:4-6.
- A novel method for adapting miniplate to infra zygomatic crest.
- Accelerating treatment of skeletal class II malocclusion using fixed twin block appliances. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018 Mar;11(2):146.
- Study of microbes on mried-In bands after sterilization using current protocols. Journal of Research and Advancements in Dentistry. 2019; 9(2):139-143.
- An evaluation of masseter muscle anatomy in different facial patterns using magnetic resonance imaging: A comparative study. annals of the Romanian society for Cell Biology. 2021 Jun 14;25(6):11463-7.
- Evaluation of volume width and thickness of masseter muscle in different facial patterns using magnetic resonance imaging: A comparative study. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. 2021 Jun 14;25(6):11468-73.
- A comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity and tensile bond strength of orthodontic adhesive incorporated with bioactive glass and octenidine dihydrochloride antimicrobial agents: An In Vitro Study International journal of dental and medical sciences research 2022;4(4):741-747.
- A comparative evaluation of stress distribution in bone and mini implant during enmasse retraction of anterior teeth in maxilla using forces from anchorage units (mini-implant sand molar hook) to both canine hook andarchwire hook. A FEM study. Journal of contemporary orthodontics2023;7(3);213-218
- Foreign body ingestion : a unique case report on decision making and successful management strategies. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research (IJMSCR) Volume 7, Issue 1 , Page No: 244-248 January-February 2024
- Facial profile study using photographs to assess esthetic preferences of orthodontic patients lay persons and clinicians . IJDSIR-January - 2024, Volume – 7, Issue - 1, P. No. 84 – 95.
- Impact on different orthodontic bracket survival rates and bonding efficacy by enamel pretreating agent: in vitro study. International journal of dental and medical sciences research 2022;4(4):741-747.
Dr. M. Vizia
- A combination of invisible buttons and a removable Hawley”s appliance for vertically controlled midline diastema closure: A case report
- The effect of acidic soft drinks on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets and SEM evaluation of the enamel surface- An invitro study
- Effect of chair side light on shear bond strength of light cure resins used to bond orthodontic brackets: An invitro study. Acta Informatica Medica. 2016 Oct;24(5):317.
- Orthodontic mini implant positioning guide: I-Jig
- A device to standardize facial photographs in FH-plane. HOT ( Horizontal Orientation Tool). Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2018 Jan;52(1):17-21.
- Device to take facial photographs in Frankfort horizontal plane in a standardized manner at repeated intervals. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2018 Jan;52(1):17-21.
- Fixation of bondable molar tube on conventional mini implant head: A novel method for missing molars.
- Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) for determining mid palatal suture maturation: A case report
- Management of pain immediately after placement of first retraction arch wire: comparison of Bite- wafer and sugar free chewing gum use with controls .International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR), 2(3), 155-165.
- Effect of pharmacological agents on relapse following orthodontic tooth movement: A systematic review of animal studies.The Angle Orthodontist. 2020 Jul 1;90(4):598-606.ional
- Comparison of the Loading Force Among Various Esthetic Archwires at Different Deflections
- Comparison of Shear Bond strength of Metal Brackets bonded with conventional and High Power LED Curing Lights. IJDSIR- June - 2022, Vol. – 5, Issue - 3, P. No. 306 – 315.
- Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A on Temporomandibular Joint Disorder and Masseter Dystrophy: A Systematic Review. IJDSIR- June - 2022, Vol. – 5, Issue - 3, P. No. 306 – 315.
- An innovative Method to standardize facial photographs in Frankfort Horizontal plane. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2018 Jan;52(1):17-21.
- Effect of bleaching on orthodontic bonding- an invitro study
- The influence of primer & its curing techniques on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2021 Jan;55(1):22-7.
- Antibacterial activity & debonding force of different lingual retainers bonded with conventional composite & nanoparticle containing composite: an invitro study. Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists. 2020 Jun 1;9(2):80-5.
- Evaluation of antibacterial properties and shear bond strength of orthodontic composites containing silver nano particles, titanium dioxide nanoparticles and fluorides: an invitro study. Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. 2022 Nov 7;27:e222067.
- Quantification of titanium release from titanium dioxide impregnated composites in orthodontic bonding- an invitro study. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2022 Oct;56(4):387-93.
- Facial profile study using photographs to assess esthetic preferences of orthodontic patients lay persons and clinicians. IJDSIR-January - 2024, Volume – 7, Issue - 1, P. No. 84 – 95.
- Impact on different orthodontic bracket survival rates and bonding efficacy by enamel pretreating agent: in vitro study. International journal of dental and medical sciences research 2022;4(4):741-747.
Dr .K. Sai Sandeep
- Evaluation of body weight, body mass index, and body fat percentage changes in early stagesof fixed orthodontic therapy. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. 2016 Jul 1;6(4):349-58.
- Evaluation of mechanical and physical properties of clinically used and recycled super elastic NiTi wires. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR. 2016 Jul;10(7):ZC35.
Dr. T. Kishore
- Device To Take Facial Photographs InFh-Plane InA Standardized Manner. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2018 Jan;52(1):17-21.
- A Device To Standardize Facial Photographs InFh-Plane.Hot. Journal of Contemporary Orthodontics. 1. 61-65. 10.18231/j.jco.2017.010.
- The Influence of Primer and its Curing Techniques on Shear Bond strength of Orthodontics Brackets. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2021 Jan;55(1):22-7.
- A device to standardize facial photographs in FH-plane. HOT ( Horizontal Orientation Tool). Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2018 Jan;52(1):17-21.
- Impact on different orthodontic bracket survival rates and bonding efficacy by enamel pretreating agent: in vitro study. J Res Adv Dent 2024;15(3):1-5.
- Facial profile study using photographs to assess esthetic preferences of orthodontic patients lay persons and clinicians. IJDSIR-January - 2024, Volume – 7, Issue - 1, P. No. 84 – 95.
Dr. R. Prachi
- Role of orthodontics in prosthetic rehabilitation: a brief review of important clinical scenarios. NeuroQuantology. 2022;20(6):9166.
- Role of CBCT in orthodontics: a brief review
Dr. Payal Jyoti Dash
- Redefining tweed’s headplate correction and its implications in dental arch space requirement
- A Retrospective cephalometric growth assessment of skeletal class II patient’s sagittal airway. journal of medical genetics 2023 ;Vol. 32 Iss. 1 :868-878
- Impact on different orthodontic bracket survival rates and bonding efficacy by enamel pretreating agent: in vitro study. J Res Adv Dent 2024;15(3):1-5.
Dr. P. Priyanka
- A Comparative Evaluation of the Shear Bond Strength of Two Different Orthodontic Bonding Agents On Artificial Crown Surfaces-An Invitro Study
Dr. K. Rahul
- A device to standardize facial photographs in FH-plane. HOT ( Horizontal Orientation Tool). Journal of Contemporary Orthodontics. 1. 61-65. 10.18231/j.jco.2017.010.